SmartVacuum muda o paradigma
Tecnologias de pintura a vácuo que antecipam as tendências do mercado e permitem a obtenção de uma correspondência borda-superfície do painel plano perfeita, melhorando a sustentabilidade e otimizando o processo de revestimento com custos inferiores e prazos de entrega mais rápidos.
For more information https://www.ceflafinishing.com/en/contacts/

Novo iBotic, cada vez mais próximo da perfeição
O novo iBotic, um ponto de referência na pintura por borrifo desde 2006, inclui inovações revolucionárias como o TIMESKIP, o dispositivo que zera o tempo de inatividade durante a troca de cor. Sistemas de recuperação energética para uma sustentabilidade superior e um novo HMI completam as inovações.
For more information https://www.ceflafinishing.com/en/contacts/

Elispray redefines the meaning of productivity
Completely overhauled, the latest-generation elliptical spray coating solution takes productivity to a new level. Superior transfer efficiency, easier cleaning procedures and faster operation, saving money and consuming less lacquer and solvent.
For more information https://www.ceflafinishing.com/en/contacts/

Anticipating the future with UV-I, our new inert curing oven
Avoiding what we believe will become an issue in the near future, lack of or high costs of photoinitiators,
our brand new UV-I inert curing oven is the cost-effective answer that will fit seamlessly into a roller
coating process when using 100% UV lacquers.
For more information https://www.ceflafinishing.com/en/contacts/

Digital Printing
How the same image and the same digital print procedure can make edge and panel lookidentical
How to obtain a perfect match between panel surface and panel edge with an industrial digital printer and why this technique allows for unique customisation, minimal lead times and very little stock requirements.
For more information https://www.ceflafinishing.com/en/contacts/